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Population Studies Center: In the News

Atheendar Venkataramani discusses the impact of repealing Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Penn LDI

Atheendar Venkataramani, in a Penn LDI report, says that social and economic opportunity, which are critical drivers of health, are ofte

Honor a Colleague PAA Tribute Campaign for Irma T. Elo

Contribute to the Population Association of America (PAA) in honor of the President-Elect of the PAA and PSC Research Associate, Irma T. Elo!

The "Honor a Colleague" campaign personalizes contributions to the PAA Fund in honor of a colleague, friend or mentor. 

To contribute to Irma's campaign: 

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    Julia Lynch – Research Associate

    PARC Associate Julia Lynch, Professor of Political Science and co-Director of the Penn Lauder Institute, dives deep into her career path, research,